Thank you to everyone that participated in The River Nest Experience. It was a such successful event and so much beautiful art was made.

Here’s a few examples of what was created.

“I bring a hopeful heart to the nest.  And, the deep bond I carry with my sister and our forebearers”  
“I bring a lot of emotions and feelings to this nest, some that just are and some that are unresolved.  My heart could use some mending.  I am the constant caretaker of all things but often not me.  I am craving some nurturing. 

In this nest, I am holding age 7 when my Dad remarried, age 9 when I was sexually abused, and age 46 when I lost a child.  My daughter Kelly, who died 2 years ago at age 24 would have thought this project was AWESOME!”  ~ Lisa – June, 2019
“I am bringing self love, body love, and worthiness to this nest.  I’m holding 8 year old me. My body image pain and lack of self worth started then.  And, I’m holding 12 year old me, knowing then I was different.  I was queer and hiding.  I’m giving some extra love to the angst ridden little girl who wanted to self harm.  The closeted side of me, the sad queer.  ~ Tina – June, 2019