Mental Health Conference, Washington, DC
What an absolute honor it was to give a talk and lead a workshop at a Community Mental Health Conference in Washington, DC. It was a conference focusing on the Opiod Addiction within the DC culture. There were politicians, health advocates, and artists taking the stage and talking about the problem and ways to change and heal.
The Hosts of the conference were Esther Ford of Total Family Care Coalition and Gayle Covington of First Stop Recovery. I met Esther Ford at Busboys and Poets while we were both sitting at the bar during my last trip to DC in November. We chatted about what we do and had an instant love and connection. So Esther invited me back to be a part of her special conference.
I arrived the morning of the conference to find my picture on the brochure, which was also a huge honor. The day was filled with amazing caring people that want to make a difference. I was able to give a brief talk about my project….what it is, what it does, and why I think it’s an important tool to find more Love for ourselves.
The workshop that I led consisted of leading the audience through a guided meditation to find a part of themselves, a pain or a trauma, or an age of themselves that needed to simply be held. The audience then gathered around The Nest that I built and brought to the conference and gave those things over to the Nest. People spoke and shared and cried. It was a powerful healing experience for many and The Nest was appreciated as a spiritual way to find love for the pain, wounds, and trauma in us all.